Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Long Road Philosophy!!

There's absolutely no doubt that somehow long roads can be of great benefit; for some, it's a chance to communicate with their travel-companions, for others, it's a chance to get their share of "healthy isolation" or to make important phone calls or to meditate or maybe to get some sleep!! =D
As for me, I'm kind of that healthy-isolation type; I enjoy long roads for they give me a chance to think about everything in my life, about what happened, what's happening & what will happen, about the people in my life, about my problems. Also, being on a long road is a very good chance to read a good book or to listen to some good music. In fact, long roads can sometimes be my little delightful pleasure but some other times, the whole thing turns to be a nightmare either because of the crazy rush hour traffic or when my music player dies or when my company is just a pain in the neck!! But here's a question for you, can you think of anything in this world to be ultimately good or ultimately bad?!!
Well, I think your answer would be a hesitant No but believe me, pal, it's an absolute  NO. For almost everything in this life, there's a good side & a bad side, for every human living on this planet, there's a good side & a bad side. Nothing is perfect & nobody is perfect, that's simply it... that's simply Life.

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