Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Long Road Philosophy!!

There's absolutely no doubt that somehow long roads can be of great benefit; for some, it's a chance to communicate with their travel-companions, for others, it's a chance to get their share of "healthy isolation" or to make important phone calls or to meditate or maybe to get some sleep!! =D
As for me, I'm kind of that healthy-isolation type; I enjoy long roads for they give me a chance to think about everything in my life, about what happened, what's happening & what will happen, about the people in my life, about my problems. Also, being on a long road is a very good chance to read a good book or to listen to some good music. In fact, long roads can sometimes be my little delightful pleasure but some other times, the whole thing turns to be a nightmare either because of the crazy rush hour traffic or when my music player dies or when my company is just a pain in the neck!! But here's a question for you, can you think of anything in this world to be ultimately good or ultimately bad?!!
Well, I think your answer would be a hesitant No but believe me, pal, it's an absolute  NO. For almost everything in this life, there's a good side & a bad side, for every human living on this planet, there's a good side & a bad side. Nothing is perfect & nobody is perfect, that's simply it... that's simply Life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A pleasant ride.

I'm kind of used to cabbies cursing whatever comes on their way, blowing off their anger on everybody & everything but today's cabbie, he was just different.
Since I got in, he started cracking jokes about someone who parked his car in the middle of the road although he was blocking our way. Then, he started cracking jokes about me & surprisingly, he made me laugh despite  my gloomy midterm mood. And like many cabbies, he complained a little about his life but still, he complained jokingly. I didn't see him frown once despite  the jam, crazy drivers & despite  him being dead tired, as he claims. Along with that cheerful ride, he reminded me of an extraordinary blessing in my life when he told me that it's such an amazing thing to have someone to keep your company. That reminded me of how much I'm blessed with those in my life; my mom, my family, my friends, my neighbors, everyone I got is a blessing her/himself. So, thank you all for being in my life & thank you,cabbie for giving me such a pleasant ride. =)